A problem with the forum?

OK, here is the english section.

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A problem with the forum?

Message par edd »

Please post in "Simple Visite" -> "Un problème avec le forum?" (no need to register) to describe the problem.

If you have a problem to create an account or validate it, don't create a second one but post in the "Un problème avec le forum?" section.

Thank you.
Modifié en dernier par edd le 18 juin 2006 20:28, modifié 1 fois.
-|- edd -|- W&W player!
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Re: A problem with the forum?

Message par SiZiOUS »

Mistake :
edd a écrit :If you have a problem to create an account or validate it, don't create a second one but post in the "Un problème avec le forum?" section.
Still dreaming ;)

(@edd : tu peux corriger et effacer ce message si tu le souhaites ;)).
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Enregistré le : 17 avr. 2005 00:43
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Message par edd »


I wrote this because, friday, two persons tried to register with the same ip. I don't know if there was a problem to activate the first account or if it was a bot.
-|- edd -|- W&W player!
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Team DreamAgain
Team DreamAgain
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Message par SiZiOUS »

edd a écrit :I wrote this because, friday, two persons tried to register with the same ip. I don't know if there was a problem to activate the first account or if it was a bot.
I think it's a bot... don't know why but the URL in the profile seems to be very "curious".