Help making Multiple Cd

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Message par edd »

Yes some games don't work on chankast but will work on a DC. So if the game boots, it's OK.

Look at the chankast compatibility list.
-|- edd -|- W&W player!
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nouveau venu
nouveau venu
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Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2008 05:29

Message par Alan »

that maybe right... but the normal image boot and work, but in the multiple menü, its not working, and that is very strange.
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Team Modération
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Enregistré le : 25 avr. 2005 01:51

Message par Venom »

If the games boot without the multi-game menu so it should work with it.

Try your games on chankast and see if it works, if it don't, you made something wrong with the menu or the binhack.
nouveau venu
nouveau venu
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Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2008 05:29

Message par Alan »

Venom a écrit :If the games boot without the multi-game menu so it should work with it.

Try your games on chankast and see if it works, if it don't, you made something wrong with the menu or the binhack.
i see, but i tryd many ways, and some games are not working..
whats with the wince games ? how i can hack this so this works.
and to marvel vs capcom, i think that the 0.bin is debt.
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Team Modération
Team Modération
Messages : 6399
Enregistré le : 25 avr. 2005 01:51

Message par Venom »

I think the 0.bin for MvC is the 1st_read.bin, don't rename it, only edit the html page to change the location of the file.

For the wince I don't know, maybe edd knows, I never tried to burn one. :(
nouveau venu
nouveau venu
Messages : 17
Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2008 05:29

Message par Alan »

i tryd that already :S and it doenst boot.. maybe there is some other way to hack it :/
oh i hope edd now, because thats sucks, i hate this wince -.-. but there must be some way, because i saw on other cd some wince games. hmm ok i waiting for edds answer.